The 25th AACA Founders Tour 2013, hosted by the North Alabama Region, was a great success. The tour featured AACA members' vehicles manufactured from 1932 to 1988. Folks came from all across the country to have a wonderful time, to drive the many interesting tour routes, and to enjoy generous Southern hospitality. It was a FANTASTIC week despite a bit of rain! Thanks to everyone for helping make it great. Below are links to some of the many pictures taken by our own Charlotte D. while she toured with her husband Darrin. You can see many more of Charlotte's tour pictures here.

It all began with a morning breakfast for the crew and an optional self-guided tour on Sunday followed that evening with an opening ceremony and reception. Monday's tour highlight was the Cathedral Caverns near Woodville, Al. Tuesday found us at Falls Mill, the Beechcraft Museum, and the Jack Daniels Distillery in southern Tennessee. Tuesday evening was devoted to an ice cream social hosted by NAR members Harold and Rosanna C.

Wednesday's route included the Calhoun Robotics Center, the TVA machine shop, and Ivy Green in northwestern Alabama. Thursday included a visit to the Huntsville Veteran's Museum and the Ave Maria Grotto. On Friday, the final tour day, participants enjoyed a banquet in the Davidson Center at the US Space and Rocket Center complete with entertainment by the Army Materiel Jazz Band.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Opening Reception Ice Cream Social Closing Banquet

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