North Alabama Region 50th Anniversary

The North Alabama Region is proud to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our chapter. Its charter was presented 25 February 1963. How did we celebrate this milestone? With a party. Our honored guests included surviving charter members, several past club officers and long time members, and representatives of the national AACA organization. The party was held, appropriately, in a garage. But not just any garage, the ambiance was provided by Perry L. at his Finetone shop. Please enjoy pictures of our celebration, expertly taken by Charlotte D., (who also made and decorated the cake). Dinner was kindly catered by Gibson's BBQ; the late David Gibson being one of our charter members.

Be sure to check out the Events Calendar for upcoming activities.

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50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
50th anniversary 50th anniversary 50th anniversary
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