Parades & Displays

The North Alabama Region of the AACA is proud of our role in the community. Part of that role is participation in parades. Below are pictures from recent parades and displays. We also have pictures from cruise-ins and picnics, local tours, and garages throughout the year. Be sure to check out the Events Calendar for upcoming activities.

2017 Maple Hills Cemetery Stroll

Cemetery Stroll display Cemetery Stroll display Cemetery Stroll display

What a great day at the Cemetery Stroll. Lots of folks came by to see the cars. We saw a lot of old friends and several former and current club members.

Those participating were Gene K. (1969 Mercedes), Russell K. (1974 Buick), Tammy T. (1923 Willys-Knight), Ed Hanish (1931 Willys), Jeff and Drea (1920 Overland and 1966 Ford Galaxie), Peter and Claire (1931 Model A), Doug C. (1951 Hudson), John A. (1940 Buick), Wayne S. (1988 Dodge Ram), Ron and Martha (1950 Buick), Randy and Nell (1956 Packard Clipper), Bob B. (1933 Chrysler), Joe S. and Ani K. (1959 TR3a) and Jim T.

Cemetery Stroll display Cemetery Stroll display Cemetery Stroll display
Cemetery Stroll display Cemetery Stroll display Cemetery Stroll display
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Merrill Gardens Display

Merrill Gardens display Merrill Gardens display Merrill Gardens display

How blessed we were today to be invited to display our cars for the residents of Merrill many stories of days gone by and cars owned.

Thanks to those who participated: Harold and Rosanna (1953 GMC truck), Jim T. (1974 Pontiac), Gerald M. (1952 Chevy), Arnie Z. (1972 Chevelle SS), John A. (1940 Buick), Jeff S. (1920 Willys Overland), Larry T. (1962 T-Bird), Randy (1953 Packard), and Nell (1954 Hudson Hornet Hollywood). One of the employees also displayed his Ford truck that had belonged to his grandfather. He also asked for info on the club which we gladly provided.

The residents voted for their favorites and Nell won 1st with the Hudson, Randy 2nd with the Packard and Larry 3rd with the T-Bird.

Merrill Gardens display Merrill Gardens display Merrill Gardens display
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2015 Pilgrimage Association's History and Mystery
Walking Tour of Historic Huntsville Homes

pilgrimage pilgrimage
pilgrimage pilgrimage
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regency village

2014 Regency Retirement Village Display

regency village regency village
regency village regency village regency village
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redstone village

2013 Veterans Day Parade

2013 Veterans Day Parade 2013 Veterans Day Parade 2013 Veterans Day Parade
2013 Veterans Day Parade 2013 Veterans Day Parade 2013 Veterans Day Parade
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redstone village

Redstone Village Display

redstone village redstone village redstone village
redstone village redstone village redstone village
redstone village redstone village redstone village
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2012 Veteran's Day Parade

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2011 Brookdale Place Display

by Nell O.

What a great day NAR members had at Brookdale Farms on Saturday, Oct 29! There was a great turnout of NAR members and others with old cars and there were lots of spectators. Everyone seemed to enjoy the hot dogs, RC colas, and moon pies...and the cars, of course! And you could hear comments like: "I remember the rumble seat...I did not like to ride in it because it made a mess of my hair."

John Malone and Nate Adams from WRSA Radio provided great 50s and 60s music that Bob and Luci danced to and Nate asked automobile trivia questions giving folks a chance to win prizes. As M.D. Smith said "The DJ from 96.9 FM sure added great atmosphere with 50's and 60's music and theme songs like "My 409" by the Beach Boys. The trivia questions he asked were fun also. The 409 was a Chevy Impala SS, and I had forgotten that. The Batman car was a Lincoln Futura. I never had any idea of that."

NAR members attending were: Wayne S. (1931 Cadillac), Ed H. (1931 Willys), M.D. and Judy S. (1937 Plymouth), Bob and Luci B. (1941 Cadillac), Randy and Nell O. (1949 Hudson), Ron and Martha D. (1950 Buick), Gene and Russell K. (1964 Buick Riviera), Russell and Sherry L. (1975 Corvette), and Terry O. (1976 Lincoln Continental). Ask Ron about his movie poster given to him by member Jim M.

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